Dylan Desjardins TCU Development Corporation The Construction Record Podcast

On this episode of the Construction Record podcast, digital media editor Warren Frey speaks with TCU Development Corporation vice-president of operations Dylan Desjardins about the challenges of building rental housing in the Ottawa region.

Dsjardins highlighted a lack of available labour as a key part of why it’s difficult to build enough rental stock to meet current demand in the area. According to a recent Centre For Urban Research and Land Development report Ottawa is the top destination for Canadian millennials though Desjardina said other demographics such as seniors are shifting to rental housing.

Desjardins also cited inflation and supply chains as factors affecting urban development in the Ottawa area but forecast relief in the nearer terms as both conditions improve.


Listen Here: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-construction-record-podcast-episode-232-tcu/id1215439139?i=1000589642444